Interview with Caitlin Thiel

Caitlin Thiel (class of 2022) was a former Beautiful Social Research Collaborative consultant. Caitlin currently works at Thomas J. Paul, Inc. as an Account Coordinator. Caitlin specifically works with the MARS team (Twix, Snickers, etc.). In her position, every day looks different based on the type of projects. Caitlin says depending on the clients needs dictates what her and her team do. They mainly work on a lot of packaging designs.

I then asked Caitlin two questions. My first one being: “What skills or any notable experiences did you gain through Beautiful Social?”.

Caitlin said the biggest skill she gained through Beautiful Social was being able to build relationships with clients (partners). Before Beautiful Social, she never had the opportunity to work with real clients. Caitlin said she learned how to effectively communicate with partners and understand their needs. She also learned how to be able to tell a partner’s story. Beautiful Social was also a great talking point in her job interviews because she was given so much experience and deliverables she could show employers.

Then I asked Caitlin my second question: “What do you think Beautiful Social helped teach you about what you like or don’t like when looking at a company to work for?”.

Caitlin said Beautiful Social helped show her she really enjoyed working with clients (partners). She learned she really loved being able to help a brand tell their story. Communications is such a broad major, so Beautiful Social helped solidify what she wanted to do with her degree after college.

Beautiful Social

We are a digital media consultancy at Saint Joseph’s University.

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