Interview with Lexi Mignogna

Lexi Mignogna (class of 2020) was a former Beautiful Social Research Collaborative consultant and Foley Fellow. Lexi is currently a full time graduate student at Temple University. She also works as a Marketing and Fundraising Executive at No Limits Media. At No Limits Media, Lexi works on advertising and showcasing the values of people with all different disabilities (what they call people with all abilities). The team Lexi works on is a small team of 2.

Then, I had two questions for Lexi. The first one was: “What skills or any notable experiences did you gain through Beautiful Social?”.

Lexi said that a lot of what she did in Beautiful Social has carried over to what she currently does now. She feels that Beautiful Social really helped prepare her for work after college. Lexi said she felt she was given all the tools she needed in class, but Beautiful Social helped her put those tools to work. Lexi also said that Beautiful Social helped her work on her managing skills. She was able to lead different groups of people and help them complete their projects for their partners. Lexi said she also gained professionalism through Beautiful Social. She was able to learn how to keep eye contact, shake a hand, have a conversation with professionals in full sentences, how to present a project, how to dress, and how to act in front of professionals. Beautiful Social also gave her tangible evidence of the work and impact she had with each of her partners. Overall, Lexi felt Beautiful Social taught her to how to be kind to everyone and how to be professional.

My second question was: “What do you think Beautiful Social helped teach you about what you like or don’t like when looking at a company to work for?”.

Lexi said Beautiful Social helped show her how important having a work-life balance is. She wanted a job that gave her the freedom to have that balance. After Beautiful Social, Lexi knew a traditional 9-5 wasn’t for her. She didn’t want to sit at a desk all day staring at a screen. Lexi says she knows a lot of companies have made strides towards inclusive work-life balance and that is something she looks for when looking at a company. Lexi also likes a company that has a good work place culture. She likes a company that does company outings and events. Lexi said she gained a lot of these values from our director, Aimee. She says it is important to take time for yourself and not let the work consume you. Lexi also enjoys working at smaller companies because she enjoys being able to make a personal impact.

Beautiful Social

We are a digital media consultancy at Saint Joseph’s University.

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