Interview with Emma Brenner

Emma Brenner (class of 2020) was a former Beautiful Social Research Collaborative consultant and Foley Fellow. Emma currently is a Staff Writer at a magazine known as Risk & Insurance. Risk & Insurance is based in Blue Bell, PA. This is Emma’s first job post-grad. Emma mostly writes about commercial insurance with a focus on real world issues that are currently affecting businesses. She also runs the social media for Risk & Insurance. Emma also attends conferences on behalf of Risk & Insurance. She also writes a feature for each of the 6 print issues.

Then, I had two questions for Emma. The first one being: “What skills or any notable experiences did you gain through Beautiful Social?”.

Emma said Beautiful Social helped her gain real world experience. It gave her the opportunity to do something meaningful outside of the classroom and apply what she had learned in the classroom. Beautiful Social helped her connect with clients and gave her the opportunity to work with real dead lines. Beautiful Social also gave her the opportunity to collaborate with a team. Emma said that Beautiful Social helped prepare her for a professional career after college. Emma still now incorporates non-profit work into her current work. She said she is currently writing a piece on how non-profits wouldn’t survive or function without insurance.

I then asked her my second question which was: “What do you think Beautiful Social helped teach you about what you like or don’t like when looking at a company to work for?”.

Emma said working with non-profits showed her how kind and compassionate those people are. Emma also felt like the work she did with Beautiful Social was very rewarding because of their kindness and compassion. Beautiful Social allowed Emma to understand company culture and showed her how important it is to look at a company’s culture. If the people who you work for don’t care about you and look out for you, it makes it hard to create good work.

Beautiful Social

We are a digital media consultancy at Saint Joseph’s University.

Interview with Anne Donnelly


Newsletter 2021 - 2022