Success on Virtual Collaboration
As we continue our semester, we have been fortunate enough to have Vicki, our community partner, and others from HealeyIRF working alongside us in preparing for an effective social media campaign. When we met with Vicki last Thursday, we presented our Community Partner Report.
The Community Partner Report gave Vicki an in-depth analysis of Healey’s social media tactics on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube while also looking at “mentor” companies such as USAID and One Village Partners. These mentors display successful social media content that attracts a greater following from which HealeyIRF can learn from.
A screenshot of Healey’s Web Presence Summary from our Community Partner Report
Healey’s presence on social media presents a foundation of “improving the lives of people in Sierra Leone through means of healthcare, education, and empowerment,” which is consistent with their Golden Circle, or otherwise referred to their why or purpose of doing what they do.
Healey’s Golden Circle we created as part of our Community Partner Report
When looking at Healy's social media platforms, they showcase their organization through pictures and videos of Healey volunteers as well as the people of Sierra Leone that are accepting their aid. Healey’s content creates an emotional appeal to anyone that comes across their social media platforms.
We suggested that Vicki and Healey should verify their accounts and/or create a business profile to allow insights to how their followers/viewers interact with their content. This could potentially lead to an increase in more followers that could hopefully lead to additional donations. We also suggested that Healey should tag themselves in their posts to give users more ways to access their page, along with creating brighter images that increase the chances of Healey’s posts standing out on a timeline. The best thing about easily communicating with Vicki over our Zoom calls is how enthusiastic and open she is to the changes we suggest. We believe after our research and constructive feedback, HealeyIRF can increase their web presence and following.
After we presented our Community Partner Report, we presented Vicki with some templates we had created for Healey’s social media. We divided our group work up to focus on Instagram and Facebook/Twitter templates.
Our main focus for the templates was incorporating Healey’s Motivation Mondays, Wisdom Wednesdays and Thankful Thursday. We also created templates based on specific national holidays and world health days that are relevant to Healey’s work and audience. While Healey is consistent with posting content everyday to social media, we want to boost their social media presence by creating templates that have a cohesive look across all their platforms.
An example of a Thankful Thursday template we created for Healey’s Instagram
An example of a Motivation Monday template for Healey’s Facebook
Vicki was so impressed and pleased with our templates that it was reassuring our work would be making a difference for others. Vicki immediately began to find and share more pictures with us to create more specific templates for their social media.
Healey has provided us creative freedom all throughout this collaboration and it’s been extremely helpful to know that our community partner trusts us, and is happy with the content we’ve provided them. It allows for a great partnership and much easier to produce content efficiently when the community partner is responsive, open to suggestions, and excited about collaborating. The work we’ve been doing along with the feedback we’ve gotten from Vicki will allow us to continually improve Healey’s social media presence.